What happens when nose surgery has failed in meeting the patients’ expectations? When the outcomes of primary rhinoplasty do not satisfy aesthetic or functional requirements, patient and surgeon face the crucial decision about whether to operate again. The demands for surgical revision have gained momentum in the last 10 years. The main reasons behind this notable increment in revision rhinoplasty can be found in imperfect, incorrect, or incomplete preoperative assessments on the one hand, and in the use of improper techniques on the other, like over-resection or thoughtless use of cartilaginous grafts in primary surgery.
However, no surgeon is entirely safe from unhappy patients: even the most experienced specialist cannot have 100% of the results in 100% of patients. This rule applies to all surgery (and generally to every human activity) and even more to rhinoplasty, where a few millimeters make the difference between success and untoward result. Rhinoplasty surgery requires superior and mature skills in pre-operative analysis and operational procedures, along with a mental attitude to perfectionism. To master all the intricacies of rhinoplasty and septoplasty, the surgeon needs to acquire a full set of advanced analytical and operative skills through a long and specific pathway.
The anatomical targets identified in the pre-operative evaluation often need tailored surgery, especially in revisions. This is why Pietro Palma coined the formula YOUnique Rhinoplasty™, a patient-specific surgical approach. The Italian rhinoplasty specialist has more than 25 years of experience in rhinoplastic surgery and has been a leading figure in the most prestigious world’s facial plastic surgery organizations. Contact Dr. Palma to correct the results of one or more previous operations.